Liv Torc

Spoken word artist and producer who plunges the vast caverns and dormant volcanoes of the human and planetary condition

spot-lit woman performing poetry
Liv Torc performing with the Siren Poets. Photo by Kieren Sibley.

Liv Torc is one of Cape Farewell’s SIRENS, a programme with a unique take on the climate emergency and response to the Covid-19 pandemic.

Liv Torc is a spoken word artist and producer who plunges the vast caverns and dormant volcanoes of the human and planetary condition. A R4 Slam Winner, a former Bard of Exeter and current co-host of The Hip Yak Poetry Shack. Liv runs the spoken word stage at WOMAD and the Hip Yak Poetry School.

In 2019 her climate change in the face of motherhood poem The Human Emergency went viral, seen online by over 80,000 people across the world. She also performed at Glastonbury Festival on the Poetry and Words stage and represented Somerset for the BBC’s national poetry day celebrations. She has also just completed a poetry commission for the BBC’s Make a Difference campaign. Her first published book Show Me Life was released by Burning Eye in 2015. Her new climate poetry book, Soggy, will be published later this year.

Since lockdown and the COVID-19 pandemic, Liv has moved her creative practice online, where she teaches mental health and poetry workshops and hosts the Rainbow Fish Speakeasy. Alongside this Liv is also the creator of the Haiflu, a UK wide poetry, photography and film project, supported by National Poetry Day, that uses crowdsourced haiku and images to tell the social history of life under lockdown via weekly films set to original music.

Watch Liv Torc’s poem I Spoke to the Earth
About Cape Farewell’s SIRENS programme

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