Watch Dr Simon Boxall’s lecture at Millfield School
As part of Cape Farewell: Art & Climate Change month at Millfield Schoo, Dr Simon Boxall gave a lecture to students about Oceanography
Dr Simon Boxall is a Cape Farewell Board Member and joined Cape Farewell’s 2004, 2007, 2008 and 2010 Arctic expeditions.
He became involved in Cape Farewell at the early stage of the organisation. David Buckland visited the NOC and discussed his ideas with Simon and others in Southampton back in 2002.
Dr Simon Boxall is an academic in oceanography at the University of Southampton, based in the National Oceanography Centre, Southampton. He studied oceanography at the University of Liverpool where he focused on the physics of the deep ocean, and moved towards shallow waters and coastlines when he moved to his present post. He has over the years undertaken studies of both open and coastal seas, using both shipborne measurements and remote sensing techniques. His work has included looking at oil spill tracking and observations of climate change. Simon’s other role is in public understanding of science and he regularly delivers public lectures worldwide, has appeared in over 60 documentaries and regularly features on national and international news stories relating to the ocean environment.