David Buckland

Artist, designer, film-maker, founder and international director of Cape Farewell

In 2001 David Buckland created and now directs the Cape Farewell project which without expectation has become a global entity. The work of the artists and climate scientists have been the subject of two major films, Art From The Arctic for the BBC and Burning Ice for Sundance, both produced by Buckland.

The notion that art can interrogate the future with some semblance of rigour has been analysed and researched and become instrumental in facing the challenge of climate change.

Buckland has co-curated major climate art exhibitions, Art & Climate Change for the National History Museum, London 2006, eARTh: Art of a changing world for the Royal Academy, U-n-f-o-l-d which has toured worldwide, Carbon 12 for the EDF foundation gallery in Paris, 2012, Carbon 13 for the Ballroom Texas, 2013 and the Carbon 14 exhibition and festival in Toronto 2013 / 14.

David is a designer, artist and film-maker whose lens-based works have been exhibited in numerous galleries in London, Paris and New York and collected by the National Portrait Gallery, London, the Centre Georges Pompidou, Paris, the Metropolitan Museum, New York and the Getty Collection, Los Angeles, and the Michael Wilson Collection amongst others. In 1999 David presented a one-man show of digitally mastered portraits of Performers at London’s National Portrait Gallery, which attracted over 100,000 visitors.

Five books of his photographs have been published including works on the Trojan Wars and The Last Judgment featuring the sculptures of Sir Anthony Caro, and two monographs of his own work. He has designed over 20 stage sets, as well as costumes, for Siobhan Davies Dance, the Royal Ballet, Rambert Dance Company, Second Stride and Compagnie Cré-Ange. His short film for the Dance for the Camera season Dwell Time was broadcast on BBC1 in January 1996.

“Climate change is a reality. Caused by us all, it is a cultural, social and economic problem and must move beyond scientific debate. Cape Farewell is committed to the notion that artists can engage the public in this issue, through creative insight and vision.”

David Buckland, 2001

Find out more about how Cape Farewell started
Read David Buckland’s introduction to Carbon14

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